Following on from last week’s part 2 of the 5 article blog series, this week we consider how regular music practice with the 2-3’s can link to development. We are specifically looking at the guidance set out by Birth to 5 Matters but the development will be relevant to whatever pedagogy you are following.
This is a snapshot of the areas mentioned in Birth To 5 Matters for age range 4 (2-3 years) which specifically link to music, rhythm, moving, and handling instruments:
Communication & Language
- Shows interest in playing with sounds, songs and rhymes.
Physical Development
- Moves in response to music, or rhythms played on instruments such as drums or shakers.
- Has some favourite stories, rhymes, songs, poems or jingles.
- Repeats and uses actions, words or phrases from familiar stories.
- Fills in the missing word or phrase in a known rhyme, story or game, e.g. Humpty Dumpty sat on a …
- Enjoys rhythmic and musical activity with percussion instruments, actions, rhymes and songs, clapping along with the beat and joining in with words of familiar songs and nursery rhymes.
- Joins in and anticipates repeated sound and action patterns.
Expressive Arts & Design
- Joins in singing songs.
- Creates sounds by rubbing, shaking, tapping, striking or blowing.
- Shows an interest in the way sound makers and instruments sound and experiments with ways of playing them, e.g. loud/quiet, fast/slow.
- Creates rhythmic sounds and movements.
We are so excited that the Musician’s Advantage – a long-held neuroscience secret – is finally being shared, and that the importance of music is finally being recognised for its benefits to all areas of learning, at all stages throughout the early years foundation stage (0-5 years).
Watch our video for 2-3’s below with Boogie Mites Trainer, Tasha.
You can access our Gonna Tap song resources – MP3 and lyrics of the song, video of song in action plus notes on how to lead the song – by clicking the button below.
If you practise this song all week with your 2-3’s they will be vocalising and anticipating the moves by the time we publish the 3-5’s article next week!
We have some online practitioner training for our Minis (2-3’s) Music Programme starting in October. Click the button below to find out more about our upcoming training. If you express an interest in our Autumn training during August you will receive a 10% discount code to use when booking in September.
Download a PDF to share with the 2-3’s team. This will help your team to understand the benefits of music for the 2-3’s, as stated in the revised Birth to 5 Matters guidance which supports the revised EYFS. Great for continuing professional development (CPD) throughout August in preparation for implementing from September 2021.