Developing Strong Foundations for Literacy and Maths
Boogie Mite’s transition to school courses engages families with preschool children starting school in September. Families learn how music boosts key skills and have an opportunity to get to know their new school. Home music making is supported with the accompanying music pack which families can access and anytime.
Ease the transition to school
- Help families become familiar with Letters and Sounds Phase 1 guidance
- Empower families to use music to support development the foundations for literacy
- Increase family understanding of how music helps children’s maths, physical and social skills
- Increase home music-making practice for fun and learning build relationships between school and home
Working directly with pre-schools, primaries and local authorities
Boogie Mites supports primary schools with the transition during June and July as part of their activities to welcome new families to the school and in the Autumn term after children have joined Year R.
For pre-schools, transition courses can run at any time during the pre-school year, as a way to build relationships with parents and boost children’s key skills. EYPP funding can be used, allowing funded families to work in a small group for targeted benefits.
Boogie Mites also works with local authorities to provide transition courses as an intervention for children who may be behind due to disadvantage or learning difficulties.
Working directly with pre-schools, primaries and local authorities
In summer 2020 we had to move our transition courses online. We trialled a 3-week online course, delivered over Facebook in a private group for each participating school. We developed this format for our courses with Hampshire County Council (HCC), which require that RARPA (Recognising and Recording of Progress and Achievement) was taking place. The data collected was independently evaluated by Achievement For All (AFA), a not for profit organisation.
The report provides evidence of impact of the project, Online School Ready Through Music and gives an overview of the work undertaken and the impact against key objectives. Using the parental feedback, AFA “…wholeheartedly recommends this project as a key method of increasing knowledge and skills of parents and engaging them in their child’s learning and development.”