Narrowing The Attainment Gap With Music!

Boogie Mites parent education courses provide a great opportunity for joint learning for early years families. We create a friendly and supportive environment which has been successful in engaging even the hardest to reach families. Independent evaluation demonstrates that Boogie Mites parent education courses support parent knowledge and confidence, enabling music activities to become embedded as a fun home learning activity and supporting early years development. 

Find out more about our parent education courses, workshops and impact studies, and read about how we moved the sessions online during 2020/21.

Course Aims
Learning together with Boogie Mites means:
  • Creating opportunities for families to participate in active early years music making.
  • Expanding parent understanding of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
  • Developing parent understanding of how to use music to support development of the 3 Prime Areas of Learning (under 3 years).
  • Extending parent understanding of Letters and Sounds Phase 1 and how they can use music to support development of these foundations for literacy through music (3 to 5 years).
  • Increasing home music making practice.
Positive outcomes for parents and children
We are very excited to share the latest report, by UK charity Achievement for All, which measures the impact of our virtual parent education classes in Summer 2020. You can download and read the evidence here:
Practitioner Testimonial


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Boogie Mites ABCD Music Methodology

Boogie Mites have collaborated with Neuro-musical Researcher Dr Anita Collins to compile our ABCD Music Methodology training package launching in August 2024.

The course will take a closer look at the four pillars of our ABCD Music Methodology – Active Attention, Brain Boost, Community Cohesion and Daily Dose. 

Each module will include a Boogie Mites song and linked activities, and a music workshop to put them all together.