Bringing The Generations Together

The popular TV show, Nursing Home for Four Year Olds, highlighted the numerous benefits of regular intergenerational activities, such as improved physical, social, emotional, and communication skills. As a result, many nurseries and older person’s organisations have embraced intergenerational activities as a way to promote mental and social well-being. An independent evaluation of the Boogie Mites Intergenerational Music Making Programme further supported the benefits of these activities, reporting that participants felt ‘happy’, ‘energised’, and ‘uplifted’. Therefore, we encourage more institutions to incorporate intergenerational activities into their programs. If you are interested in participating in the program or similar initiatives, please find out how your nursery or older person’s organisation can get involved.
Course Aims
The Programme
The benefits of music

Recent research has highlighted the benefits of music for early years of cognitive development. In the same way, music-making can stimulate brain activity in older people creating a more mentally alert state.

And whatever your age, moving to the beat has many benefits for improved coordination, balance, spatial awareness and physical fitness.

With Boogie Mites catchy beats and simple props, the older and younger generations can share music together, bringing further positive outcomes for community cohesion, wellbeing and cross-generation learning.

Intergenerational Boogie Mites
The sessions

The Boogie Mites Intergenerational Programme is based on our Minis Programme, which is designed for children aged between 2 and 3 years old.

As well as new Boogie Mites songs, the programme includes traditional nursery rhymes, updated using catchy uptempo rhythms, and these offer a familial entry point for the older generation who may struggle with their memory.

Simple props such as scarves, shakers and tapping sticks, help break the ice and increase engagement of both age groups.

Measuring the impact

In 2019 an evaluation measuring community cohesion and wellbeing was undertaken in two care homes, and a day centre in Portsmouth.

These settings care for older people and have been visited by children aged 10 months to 4 years, either from a nursery school setting or with parents on a weekly basis for Intergenerational music sessions.

Positive outcomes were recorded for community cohesion and for the confidence and social skills of all participants.

Intergen Testimonial


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Boogie Mites ABCD Music Methodology

Boogie Mites have collaborated with Neuro-musical Researcher Dr Anita Collins to compile our ABCD Music Methodology training package launching in August 2024.

The course will take a closer look at the four pillars of our ABCD Music Methodology – Active Attention, Brain Boost, Community Cohesion and Daily Dose. 

Each module will include a Boogie Mites song and linked activities, and a music workshop to put them all together.