Boogie Baby Music Pack

£15.00 Inc VAT

Discover songs you can enjoy with your baby whilst supporting early language skills. Start your baby’s musical journey through life from birth with Boogie Baby Music Pack. (Birth to crawling).

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Purchase the physical CD pack and also get FREE access to online resources which include videos of Baby Boogie Mites sessions.


Packed full of original songs, rhymes and activities, the Boogie Baby Music Pack is a fantastic resource for parents that can be used to enhance bonding, whilst having fun and supporting their baby’s early language development and listening skills.

The pack contains:

  • CD of 21 songs, a mix of original and traditional songs recorded in an upbeat Boogie Mites style
  • Booklet of notes for use at home, including ideas for extension activities and progression
  • Access to online resources, including the songs, video of Baby Boogie Mites music classes led by a Boogie Mites teacher, song lyrics and notes

Listen to clips of the songs included in this programme:

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Boogie Mites ABCD Music Methodology

Boogie Mites have collaborated with Neuro-musical Researcher Dr Anita Collins to compile our ABCD Music Methodology training package launching in August 2024.

The course will take a closer look at the four pillars of our ABCD Music Methodology – Active Attention, Brain Boost, Community Cohesion and Daily Dose. 

Each module will include a Boogie Mites song and linked activities, and a music workshop to put them all together.